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Version: v2.0.0

Publishing Events

Publishing Events#

We provide support for publishing custom events to a custom Azure Event Grid Topics.

Import the following namespace into your project:

using Arcus.EventGrid.Publishing;

Next, create an EventGridPublisher instance via the EventGridPublisherBuilder which requires the endpoint & authentication key of your custom topic endpoint.

var eventGridPublisher = EventGridPublisherBuilder                                .ForTopic(topicEndpoint)                                .UsingAuthenticationKey(endpointKey)                                .Build();

Publishing EventGridEvent's

Create your event that you want to publish

string licensePlate = "1-TOM-337";string eventSubject = $"/cars/{licensePlate}";string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();var @event = new NewCarRegistered(eventId, eventSubject, licensePlate);
await eventGridPublisher.Publish(eventSubject, eventType: "NewCarRegistered", data: new [] { @event }, id: eventId);

Alternatively you can publish a list of events by using

await eventGridPublisher.PublishMany(events);

Resilient Publishing#

The EventGridPublisherBuilder also provides several ways to publish events in a resilient manner. Resilient meaning we support three ways to add resilience to your event publishing:

  • Exponential retry: makes the publishing resilient by retrying a specified number of times with exponential backoff.
EventGridPublisherBuilder.ForTopic(topicEndpoint)                         .UsingAuthenticationKey(endpointKey)                         .WithExponentialRetry(retryCount)                         .Build();
  • Circuit breaker: makes the publishing resilient by breaking the circuit if the maximum specified number of exceptions are handled by the policy. The circuit will stay broken for a specified duration. Any attempt to execute the function while the circuit is broken will result in a BrokenCircuitException.
EventGridPublisherBuilder.ForTopic(topicEndpoint)                         .UsingAuthenticationKey(endpointKey)                         .WithCircuitBreaker(exceptionsBeforeBreaking, durationOfBreak)                         .Build();
  • Combination of the two: Circuit breaker with/after exponential retry.
EventGridPublisherBuilder.ForTopic(topicEndpoint)                         .UsingAuthenticationKey(endpointKey)                         .WithExponentialRetry(retryCount)                         .WithCircuitBreaker(exceptionsBeforeBreaking, durationOfBreak)                         .Build();

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